AOE has taken the unconventional & perhaps even seen as not-so-popular step to list those who have rejected to support the Much needed Human Future of Clean Environment, Clean Energy, Sustainability, Anti-Corruption, Innovation, Support for Undeveloped Nations, Support for Social Enterprise, Support for Impact, Support for Breakthrough Energy & Support for their Small Private Innovators who make it.
Humanity Completely DESERVES: a quality education, and deserved and deserves a better future, deserves the right priorities, ethics, values, responsible people in positions of leadership, and deserves to have governments, institutions, and taxpayer funded orgs who actually care about humanity & are not just corrupt to the core.
AOE is listing SOME (not enough time to list all) of the orgs & companies, & governments who have rejected the human future, rejected to support AOE, & thus stolen the future from all of us.
Governments & so called leaders in "DevOrgs" are deliberately killing 21 million people a year in their lack of taking any kind of ethical responsibility to ensure that innovators & startups like AOE are funded fully in proper manner, polluting our environment & world, & stealing literal generations of progress. The rich who don't have legal responsibility to act on these issues are also doing next to nothing also as an average as all know, with few wonderful exceptions.
Due to the absolutely MASSIVE, unbelievable scale of corruption that AOE has met at every turn in the places you would think would be & should be & expect to be the cleanest of all, we are livid with disgust at the situation & the brainwashing of the public that it is supposedly any different & that any of us should expect it to be.
While we seem to be much more positive about change than most, & are an organization built on positivity & positive action & in fact dedicated our lives for such purpose, when we are frustrated & tired of the absolute BS as meet yet more corruption, lack of responsibility taken, total lack of care for humanity, & those who ignore this mission who people would swear would surely respond or help or do a lot, but in fact couldn't care less along the way, we will try to report it here. Surely we will not have the time to even report 1% of it, and to even think about writing for 2 weeks non stop would not cover 1% of what could be here, it is literally that bad, the climate industry, the investment industry, the devorg & ngo industry, & the government officials, and rich bosses, startup industry & crypto industry & others.
We "solicited" means we asked them to write about us or podcast with us or introduce us to someone who can check us out, or sponsor us to a meeting, or to talk. We never asked them to invest any money even!!
While some will not like us outing others, since no one does it and thus society does not get to learn these things & actually see through the massive lies and brainwashing, we ARE going to continue this action as a public service in intention of good for all humanity to see.
If there is some mistake, & these people on the list want to turn around and do their responsibilities in proper manner, AOE is more than willing to remove names if there is some kind of mistake, accepting their financial support on proper terms as evidence of their commitment to such causes, but we will never be bullied into doing so & anyone trying to do so will also be reported & stood up to vigorously.
We are fighting for the human future that has been stolen from all, and we don't intend to stop such.
Your opportunity to show your support for such values is right here, and you can invest to AOE to show its true.
Thank you, on behalf of absolutely everyone.