AOE Power Plants have many benefits above the others:
+ 100% Clean Energy with no pollution

+ Tiny Footprint Versus Solar (600x the power per sqm)
+ Non-Intermittent, running 24 hours a day
+ No need for gas plants or to LIE to people that it's Clean when really it's gas + a little solar.
+ Stable steady Synchronous power, not the Asynchronous which collapses grids
+ No grid feed issues like solar has due to instability
+ Can indoor it, you can't indoor solar or wind or hydro.
+ Stackable in a warehouse, 10 high would do 6,000x the power of solar per sqm
+ Can put underground, in a basement
+ Can power cities from within the city, solar & wind cant do that
+ No fiberglass blades nor panels wastes nor batteries wastes
+ No need for batteries
+ Modular, Scalable, Easily Movable unlike Wind, Solar, Coal, Nuclear
+ No empty water dams causing power outages
+ No destruction of Environment, farmland, forests, like solar, wind, hydrodams, biomass
+ No Cleaning issues, no snow, no dust, no ice, no heat degredation like wind/solar
+ Way less maintenance
+ Can power commercial buildings from underground
+ Way less materials needed which means way better for environment
+ Way more energy density
+ For now at least, no funding or benefit to the Completely Corrupt Establishment.
+ No Need for Inversion, MANY AC power direct tech designs ready for manufacture.

+ No need for grid infrastructure
+ No grid losses of 40-60% as normal with others
+ No grid radiation causing widespread ecological & human health Damage
+ No grid failures due to storms or Carringtons
+ No catastrophic grid outages from Solar, Wind, Hydro, others
+ No failures due to cyberhacks
+ No failures due to security risks on grids
+ No need to build more Corrupt control grids

+ AOE has the best storage solutions in History, however, GENERATION is better.
+ No Dangerous "Chain Reaction Battery Fires"
+ No toxic piles of waste every 2-4 years
+ Far less cost as we don't need batteries at all
+ Batteries are low density, AOE doesn't need any, we just produce energy
+ No battery pollution nor fires
+ No rise in rare materials commodity prices for the world

+ No gas explosion risks
+ 100% Energy independence with no purchases of oil or gas or toxic energies needed
+ No more coal ash
+ No more destroyed water tables from Fracking or Coal Seam gas
+ No dead birds, insects, or animal habitats
+ No Lunacy of "transporting Ammonia"
+ No Limits due to infrastructure like grids or gas lines

+ No Meltdown risks
+ No Nuclear wastes or harmful radiation levels
+ No "Thorium Scams" nor "Great Hot Fusion Scams" (Where are the Fraud Charges???)
+ No need for massive water waste like nuclear
+ No destroying our only ocean with all the waste dumping
+ No need to listen to the endless LIARS & trolls LYING that Nuclear is safe for ocean
+ No more tritium water nor caesium dumping murdering our ecosystem
+ No more need to do all the LYING that "Nuclear is clean"

+ No more caveman lunacy of wasting 1/5th of global economic effort searching frantically all over the world digging up crap just to light it all on fire toxifying our air & world like complete fools. Humanity can get re-deploy human capital on other Related Engineering like building the needed infrastructure, housing, roads, bridges, public transports, hospitals, schools, water, food, cure poverty, medical & more law enforcement & anti-corruption efforts that are stolen from humanity in this lunacy.
+ Full Energy independence for the smart, ethical, non-exploitative, open, Non-corrupt government & nation. (Except, which one is like that? That one would call us with a very big check just to contribute even.)
AOE Will PROFIT in $500,000 of investment.
Early to profit is Crucial for Startup.
Invest $500,000 & we will be in profit quickly. Why make a mess?
Power Plant FAQs
Q: Can you start with a small investment to make an industrial power plant in our country like, $400,000?
A: No, we will NOT, be able to be building "Industrial power plants" for some Miraculously tiny amount like $400,000, sorry. Several asked :D While we CAN do this in house in our own facility for a blockchain purpose, $400K isn't enough to do it in other regions as we don't the funds to properly operate, secure & run such anywhere else at this time. If we were going to do such in the future, it would have to be a big project, 100+ million etc.
While a 400K plant somewhere in a far away rich nation that already has all the electricity they could ever need is a cute idea, things actually do cost a lot of money & the molds, materials, funds for staff, offices, companies, security, etc, don't exactly fall from the sky. We CAN do our Blockchain pathway to profit at $500,000 however, thus, we are doing that. We have done a lot of work on this already when our Blockchain promoters signed a 6 Million dollar deal with us (they BK'd after giving just 184K) & when they were talking 40 Million raise on Blockchain. We are very close. Put us over the top.

Q: Can you design a power plant project?
A: Yes, we have designed many already, but who is going to fund how much they should & how they should? They need to fund the Breakthrough CleanEnergy Startups Tens of millions to hundreds of millions of dollars and know it, but, they prefer to lie about it, "unproven tech" & do nothing instead. They make endless LIES as excuses & as you know, have never done anything for anyone in this category of economics despite it being the most important one & most needed one in human history. They say, "Bring at least 6-10 million for your first project, we don't introduce anyone, and we don't give any templates nor guidelines, once you have the land, permits and cash inside, let us know, and we will mull it with the others in the pile, cherry pick in total secrecy, and maybe, just maybe, we will let you know.

You give us the 15+ Million Dollars and we can build a power plant in a region WE choose which in line with our mission. We already got the customers waiting, who also don't invest to startups & don't want to finance them either. Governments? They said to us "We could leapfrog a generation with your startup in our country AOE......OHH! You want US...to invest $250,000? but....but I thought we would get money....you mean you're not a big MNC with Billions? Ohhh, well when you have the money you are welcome to bring us your money and build it, but we don't invest in anything." (real story)

However, for ONLY 15 million, it makes much more sense for us to still stick to Blockchain for many reasons any smart investor will understand and agree with. We didn't think so at first but we get it now too.

...... in the 5 YEARS we have been doing this, we have watched over 80 MILLION people be willfully MURDERED by the Corrupt Establishment doing these kind of LIES and excuses while blowing TRILLIONS of dollars Lying about Climate Change and Lying about ClimateCrisis.....& doing Webinars & events instead of facilitation, with our own eyes. Yet how much have they ever contributed to Breakthrough CleanEnergy innovators like AOE? NOT......ONE......DOLLAR.

Therefore, we are forced to do our raising with the people, for the people, funded by the people. BLOCKCHAIN & Crowdfunding & crowd lending Until we raise at least seed of 6.2-8.8 Million + 20 million of scaling. Even beyond, it makes sense to do another big round scaling into this like 88 Million more so we have very strong revenue, profit, assets, and finance ability. Since there is ZERO REAL Leadership which is of course at the 100+ Million levels and above invested under basic protection governance conditions of production, this is the unfortunate reality for mankind. The 734 Megawatts in demand backorder we went and got, none of these Orgs care one iota about any of that. It's a wonder if they care about anything. They certainly don't care about the 21 MILLION a year real people they're killing.

Above levels of 100+ Million in raise, we will be in literal position to Change The Entire Human Era.

While we CAN design power plant builds, we are no longer interested in deviating from the path of least resistance back into the anti-human lunacy of the completely corrupt, absolutely morally bankrupt methods of the failed & insisting to fail humanity forever, establishment.

Some people ask us to make "Power plants" for $400,000 or something also. :D Have you ever seen a power plant for only $400,000? I sure haven't heard of one. Good luck making anything industrial for $400,000. & Who will then pay for the workers? In fact good luck even affording your molds on that money. It's simply not reality folks. Good luck getting a "Feasibility study" for that much after waiting for 2 more years for that & permits (as if what they have done 1000x before could ever be "non-feasable" as they refuse to allow copy and paste thus to create corrupt insider cherry picks)

It thus doesn't make much sense to answer many questions on power plants until you have a 50+ million dollar check in hand at "non-predatory" non "silicon valley style pricing". We are more than willing to talk about all options then, but we are still building our Blockchain unit First, then our plane, Then power plants after. We will also be finishing our social enterprise missions which doesn't require much and 3 are near to finished. THEN, yes, more than willing to do a power plant in the right regulatory freedom location that WE choose along our already planned future expansion plan in the right priorities first locations in the world, yes indeed. But until then is there really any point to talking about it deviating from path of least resistance? The establishment won't support until then. They have never done anything different. They won't start now. They won't start next year. They won't start in 10 years & they admit that fully and don't want to hear anything different and will Blacklist you the second you make one peep of criticism.

Follow the plan until conditions materially change requiring a pivot. That's what we will do.

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