- What are the two or three key features you plan to add
Early versions do not have automatic on/off coordinated for emergency situations like fires or overloading, so we can save money on construction due to the lack of common sense support for innovators. They need to have manual shutdown. Once AOE gains our $480,000 raise, we will change to a fully automated system that automatically shuts down which will completely eliminate fire risks. Wind turbines can burn if either they get too much wind creating too much electricity inside, or if the ground line energy generation sink gets disconnected. Burning wind turbines have started many forest fires.
+ Full remote control to shut down so in the event a client doesn't pay, AOE can turn off our systems remotely.
+ Full security suite including shock fence, video system, alarm, automatic call security system, tamper sensors, motion sensors, external fire detection & response, Auto diagnosis & shutdown on heat, hertz variance, vibration.
+ AOE smart circuit integration
+ AOE smart energy efficiency add ons